
Here we will provide a tutorial of using ExpAn.

First, let’s generate some random data.

from expan.core.util import generate_random_data
data, metadata = generate_random_data()

data is a pandas DataFrame. It must contain a column entity, a column variant, then one column per kpis you defined. You can check the example structure of data aby looking at:


metadata is a python dict. Key of this dict should contain:

  • experiment: Name of the experiment, as known to stakeholders. It can be anything meaningful to you.
  • sources (optional): Names of the data sources used in the preparation of this data.
  • experiment_id (optional): This uniquely identifies the experiment. Could be a concatenation of the experiment name and the experiment start timestamp.
  • retrieval_time (optional): Time that data was fetched from original sources.
  • primary_KPI (optional): Primary evaluation criteria.

Constructing an experiment

To use ExpAn for analysis, you first need to construct an Experiment object.

from expan.core.experiment import Experiment
exp = Experiment(control_variant_name='A',

This Experiment object has the following parameters:

  • control_variant_name: Indicates which of the variants is to be considered as a baseline (a.k.a. control).
  • data: A data you want to run experiment for. An example of the data structure. Described above.
  • metadata: Specifies an experiment name as the mandatory and data source as the optional fields. Described above.
  • report_kpi_names: A list of strings specifying desired kpis to analyse (empty list by default).
  • derived_kpis: Each derived kpi is defined as a dictionary structured by {‘name’: <name_of_the_kpi>, ‘formula’: <formula_to_compute_kpi>}. Then derived_kpis is a list of such dictionaries if more than one derived_kpi is wanted (empty dict by default). <name_of_the_kpi> is name of the kpi. <formula_to_compute_kpi> is the formula to calculate the desired kpi. You can find the example described above.

NOTE 1. You should be careful specifying the correct structure to the derived_kpis dictionary including keys ‘name’ and ‘formula’. Otherwise, construction of Experiment object will raise an exception.

NOTE 2. Specify the derived kpi name in the report_kpi_names if you want to see the results for it too.

NOTE 3. Wrong input structures (e.g. missing derived_kpis dictionary keys or incorrect kpi keys) will raise an exception.

In our generated demo data we have two variants and one of them is the baseline (aka. control):

print('Variants: {}'.format(exp.variant_names))
print('Control or baseline variant: {}'.format(exp.control_variant_name))
>>> Variants: {'A', 'B'}
>>> Control or baseline variant: A

Now we can start analysing!

Analysis is as simple as:


Currently delta supports 4 methods: fixed_horizon (default), group_sequential, bayes_factor and bayes_precision. All methods requires different additional parameters.

If you would like to change any of the default values, just pass them as parameters to delta. For example:

exp.delta(method='fixed_horizon', assume_normal=True, percentiles=[2.5, 97.5])
exp.delta(method='group_sequential', estimated_sample_size=1000)
exp.delta(method='bayes_factor', distribution='normal')

Here is the list of each of the addtional parameters. You may also find the description in our API page.

fixed_horizon is the default method:

  • assume_normal=True: Specifies whether normal distribution assumptions can be made. A t-test is performed under normal assumption. We use bootstrapping otherwise. Bootstrapping takes considerably longer time than assuming the normality before running experiment. If we do not have an explicit reason to use it, it is almost always better to leave it off.
  • percentiles=[2.5, 97.5]: A list of percentile values for confidence bounds.
  • min_observations=20: Minimum number of observations needed.
  • nruns=10000: Only used if assume normal is false.
  • relative=False: If relative==True, then the values will be returned as distances below and above the mean, respectively, rather than the absolute values.
  • multi_test_correction=False: Initiate multiple correction (Bonferroni correction is supported).

group_sequential is a frequentist approach for early stopping:

  • spending_function='obrien_fleming': Currently we support only Obrient-Fleming alpha spending function for the frequentist early stopping decision.
  • estimated_sample_size=None: Sample size to be achieved towards the end of experiment. In other words, the actual size of data should be always smaller than estimated_sample_size.
  • alpha=0.05: Type-I error rate.
  • cap=8: Upper bound of the adapted z-score.
  • multi_test_correction=False: Initiate multiple correction (Bonferroni correction is supported).

bayes_factor is a Bayesian approach for delta analysis and early stopping:

  • distribution='normal': The name of the KPI distribution model, which assumes a Stan model file with the same name exists. Currently we support normal and poisson models.
  • num_iters=25000: Number of iterations of bayes sampling.
  • inference=sampling: ‘sampling’ for MCMC sampling method or ‘variational’ for variational inference method to approximate the posterior distribution.

bayes_precision is another Bayesian approach similar as bayes_factor:

  • distribution='normal': The name of the KPI distribution model, which assumes a Stan model file with the same name exists. Currently we support normal and poisson models.
  • num_iters=25000: Number of iterations of bayes sampling.
  • posterior_width=0.08: The stopping criterion, threshold of the posterior width.
  • inference=sampling: ‘sampling’ for MCMC sampling method or ‘variational’ for variational inference method to approximate the posterior distribution.

Interpreting result

The output of the delta method has the following structure:

  "warnings": [
    "kpi: derived_kpi_one, variant: B: Sample variances differ too much to assume that population variances are equal."
  "errors": [],
  "expan_version": "0.6.2",
  "control_variant": "A",
  "kpis": [
      "name": "derived_kpi_one",
      "variants": [
          "name": "A",
          "delta_statistics": {
            "stop": true,   # only available for early-stopping deltas: group_sequential, bayes_factor and bayes_precision
            "delta": 0.0,
            "confidence_interval": [
                "percentile": 2.5,
                "value": -8.396765530428699
                "percentile": 97.5,
                "value": 3.5794735964894677
            "treatment_sample_size": 6108,
            "control_sample_size": 6108,
        "control_variance": 33019.25141863071,  # only available for frequentist deltas: fixed_horizon, group_sequential
        "treatment_variance": 33019.25324523451, # only available for frequentist deltas: fixed_horizon, group_sequential
            "treatment_mean": -4.572524000045541,
            "control_mean": -4.572524000045541,
            "number_of_iterations": 25000, # only available for Bayesian deltas: bayes_factor and bayes_precision
            "statistical_power": 0.050000000000000044
          "name": "B",
          "delta_statistics": {
            "stop": true,
            "delta": 4.564575415240889,
            "confidence_interval": [
                "percentile": 2.5,
                "value": -2.8506067127900847
                "percentile": 97.5,
                "value": 8.497896742163277
            "treatment_sample_size": 3892,
            "control_sample_size": 6108,
            "treatment_mean": -0.007948584804651233,
            "control_mean": -4.572524000045541,
            "number_of_iterations": 25000,
        "control_variance": 33019.25141863071,
        "treatment_variance": 33019.25324523451,
            "statistical_power": 0.46900387352149797

(note that some values shown here can be made up)

The corresponding fields are:

  • treatment_mean: the mean of the treatment group.
  • control_mean: the mean of the control group.
  • treatment_variance: the variance of the treatment group.
  • control_variance: the variance of the control group.
  • control_sample_size: the sample size for the control group.
  • treatment_sample_size: the sample size for the treatment group.
  • delta: the difference between the treatment_mean and control_mean.
  • confidence_interval: the confidence interval: percentile - lower percentile and upper percentile; value - value for each percentile.
  • number_of_iterations: number of iterations used for bayes sampling for bayes_factor and bayes_precision methods.
  • stop: flag indicating whether the experiment can be stopped. This flag exists for early stopping methods.
  • statistical_power: the value of statistical power — that is, the probability of a test to detect an effect, if the effect actually exists.


You can use the Binning module to group data into subsets, i.e., assign each data into a corresponding Bin object. We will explain respectively in the next few sections.

Create bin object directly

If you already know the set of bins you want to put data into. You can initialize a bin object directly.

The first argument is the id of the bin. This might not be useful for your application but serves as a technical identifier. The second argument is the type of the bin. This can either be “numerical” or “categorical”. Depending on the type, you should pass coresponding representation object as the third argument.

from expan.core.binning import *

Create a numerical bin from value 0 (inclusive) to 10 (exclusive).

Bin("numerical", 0, 10, True, False)

will output:

bin: [0, 10)

Create a categorical bin which contains categories of “a” and “b”.

Bin("categorical", ["a", "b"])

will output:

bin: ['a', 'b']

Create bin object automatically

Given a number of bins, you can also create a list of bins from data by using the method create_bins(data, n_bins).

It will create n_bins Bin ojbects, which separates data as equally as possible. This method will also automatically detects numerical or categorical data, and creates corresponding bin representations.

data_control = exp.data[exp.data.variant == 'A']
data_treatment = exp.data[exp.data.variant == 'B']
n_bins = 10
create_bins(data_control.normal_same, n_bins)

will output:

  bin: [-3.83665554846, -1.25906491145),
  bin: [-1.25906491145, -0.804751813719),
  bin: [-0.804751813719, -0.489466995342),
  bin: [-0.489466995342, -0.226662203724),
  bin: [-0.226662203724, 0.0239463824493),
  bin: [0.0239463824493, 0.276994331119),
  bin: [0.276994331119, 0.551060124216),
  bin: [0.551060124216, 0.868798338306),
  bin: [0.868798338306, 1.30062540106),
  bin: [1.30062540106, 4.47908425103]

Assign data to bins

We can use the method apply(data) of the Bin object to assign data to one of the given bins. This method will return a subset of input data which belongs to this bin. It will return None if there is no data matched.

bin = Bin("numerical", 0, 10, True, False)

Applying bin to data in variant A will result in:

4       1.112634
6       0.085595
10      0.335054
13      0.542203
15      0.002232
19      0.467690
21      1.171102
23      1.289203
27      0.141980
28      0.313723
31      1.345935
37      2.418778
41      0.288028
44      0.411566
46      1.120967
47      0.805575
48      0.975823
49      0.008858
54      1.352039
57      2.159121
58      0.091315
61      1.637082
63      0.735269
66      1.030250
71      0.644690
77      0.723038
78      0.085513
83      1.889279
84      0.238171
89      0.580568
9873    0.030269
9875    0.863606
9876    0.524865
9880    0.008274
9891    0.395712
9900    1.168769
9901    0.055230
9903    0.192369
9908    0.010693
9909    0.354407
9910    0.853060
9914    0.492523
9918    0.502002
9924    1.096724
9925    0.688108
9934    0.367047
9935    0.279812
9936    0.445043
9945    0.876760
9948    0.261577
9954    1.601119
9955    1.797017
9959    0.542985
9969    0.206816
9973    1.589447
9980    0.130357
9982    0.377618
9985    0.193655
9986    0.055740
9987    0.664763
Name: normal_same, dtype: float64

Similarly, applying bin to data in variant B will result in different result:

2       0.388819
8       0.772848
9       0.783160
11      0.564789
20      1.310606
25      0.600733
30      0.608267
33      1.360168
35      0.849585
38      1.495458
43      0.444854
51      0.977872
55      2.099408
69      1.132805
70      1.597397
74      0.079915
75      0.320930
86      0.220631
88      0.324758
92      1.638961
104     1.277857
107     1.498012
115     1.344854
118     2.120994
127     0.059905
139     2.254038
156     0.079048
161     0.150602
165     0.090310
170     0.947512
9862    0.725924
9863    1.492610
9864    0.908889
9883    1.138699
9885    0.167043
9886    0.285282
9887    0.322020
9894    2.127297
9897    1.896604
9911    1.127925
9913    0.499415
9915    0.327819
9927    0.729370
9928    0.887623
9937    0.278923
9938    0.729843
9940    0.201785
9943    1.338250
9957    0.544323
9958    0.858663
9971    0.290580
9972    1.081581
9977    0.460328
9981    0.084888
9983    0.443676
9984    0.338594
9989    1.544333
9993    0.672613
9996    0.792395
9997    0.994518
Name: normal_same, dtype: float64

Subgroup analysis

Subgroup analysis in ExaAn will select subgroup (which is a segment of data) based on the input argument, and then perform a regular delta analysis per subgroup as described before. That is to say, we don’t compare between subgroups, but compare treatment with control within each subgroup.

The input argument is a python dict, which maps feature name (key) to a list of Bin objects (value). This dict defines how and on which feature to perform the subgroup split. The returned value of subgroup analysis will be the result of regular delta analysis per subgroup.

An example is provided below.

dimension_to_bins = {"treatment_start_time": [
    Bin("numerical", 0, 5, True, False),
    Bin("numerical", 5, 10, True, False)]

And the result of subgroup analysis is:

    'dimension': 'treatment_start_time',
    'segment': '[0, 5)'
    'result': {
      'warnings': ['kpi: derived_kpi_one, variant: B: Sample variances differ too much to assume that population variances are equal.']
      'control_variant': 'A',
      'errors': [],
      'expan_version': '0.6.2',
      'kpis': [
          'name': 'derived_kpi_one',
          'variants': [
              'name': 'B',
              'delta_statistics': {
                'control_mean': -0.32639393302612346,
                'control_sample_size': 3076,
                'delta': 0.3204731468864935,
                'statistical_power': 0.095063282824786377,
                'treatment_mean': -0.005920786139629961,
                'treatment_sample_size': 1930,
                'confidence_interval': [
                  {'percentile': 2.5, 'value': -1.5569210692070499},
                  {'percentile': 97.5, 'value': 2.1978673629800363}
              'name': 'A',
              'delta_statistics': {
                'control_mean': -0.32639393302612346,
                'control_sample_size': 3076,
                'delta': 0.0,
                'statistical_power': 0.050000000000000044,
                'treatment_mean': -0.32639393302612346,
                'treatment_sample_size': 3076,
                'confidence_interval': [
                  {'percentile': 2.5,'value': -2.1025221680926345},
                  {'percentile': 97.5, 'value': 2.102522168092634}
    'dimension': 'treatment_start_time',
    'segment': '[5, 10)'
    'result': {
      'warnings': ['kpi: derived_kpi_one, variant: B: Sample variances differ too much to assume that population variances are equal.']
      'control_variant': 'A',
      'errors': [],
      'expan_version': '0.6.2',
      'kpis': [
          'name': 'derived_kpi_one',
          'variants': [
              'name': 'B',
              'delta_statistics': {
                'control_mean': 3.379775978641749,
                'control_sample_size': 3032,
                'delta': -3.389734477426074,
                'statistical_power': 0.59356839479094403,
                'treatment_mean': -0.009958498784324924,
                'treatment_sample_size': 1962},
                'confidence_interval': [
                  {'percentile': 2.5,'value': -6.9215226752839172},
                  {'percentile': 97.5, 'value': 0.14205372043176823}
              'name': 'A',
              'delta_statistics': {
                'control_mean': 3.379775978641749,
                'control_sample_size': 3032,
                'delta': 0.0,
                'statistical_power': 0.050000000000000044,
                'treatment_mean': 3.379775978641749,
                'treatment_sample_size': 3032},
                'confidence_interval': [
                  {'percentile': 2.5, 'value': -4.017338312084763},
                  {'percentile': 97.5, 'value': 4.0173383120847621}

As you can see, the hierarchy of the result of subgroup analysis is the following:


That’s it! Try it out for yourself: github.com/zalando/expan