
core.experiment is the most important module to use ExpAn. It provides interface for running different analysis.

core.statistics provides the underlying statistical functions. Functionalities in this module includes bootstrap, delta, pooled standard deviation, power analysis, etc.

core.early_stpping provides early stopping algorithms. It supports group sequential, Bayes factor and Bayes precision.

core.correction implements methods for multiple testing correction.

core.statistical_test holds structures of statistical tests. You will need the data structure in this module to run an experiment.

core.results holds structures of analysis result. This will be the running structure of an experiment.

core.utils contains supplied common functions used by other modules such as generate random data and drop nan values, among many others.

core.version constructs versioning of the package.

data.csv_fetcher reads the raw data and constructs an experiment instance.

core.binning is now DEPRECATED. It implements categorical and numerical binning algorithms. It supports binning implementations which can be applied to unseen data as well.


Please visit the API list for detailed usage.